About Us Sports Camp 12/13 Journal Events Archives Contact Us


About Us: Our History
Sports Camp 12/13: Details of SC
Journal: Current Events
Events: Past Events
Archives: Check out our old posts!
Contact Us: SSC Committee

To know more about Ngee Ann SSC Polympics, click on the following link: Ngee Ann Polympics!

& Do join us on our FACEBOOK Group, click on the following link: Students' Sports Council

Upcoming Events

- Polympics '10
- GL Trainings 11/12
- GL Camp 11/12
- Sports Camp 11/12
- Movie Under the Stars
- 18th Committee Recruitment drive
- Sports Camp 11/12 Dinner & Dance!
- BLAST'11 Monsters camp!
- Bonding Camp 2011
- Polympics' 11
- GL Trainings 12/13
- GL Camp 12/13
- Sports Camp 12/13

  • Saucony 100PLUS PAssion Run
  • DnD
  • Final D&D Announcement.
  • SSC Recruitment
  • Just an update on dinner and dance.
  • You're Invited to our Dinner and Dance
  • You are Invited!
  • Funday 2008
  • Annual Dinner & Dance


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